Семинар 05.10.2016

seminars5Уважаемые студенты и преподаватели кафедры!

05 октября (среда) в 17.00 состоится семинар кафедры. Тема:

The Crystallography of Perovskites

Докладчик: Prof. Mike Glazer, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford and Department of Physics, Warwick University, UK.
Внимание! Место проведения - Голубой зал НИИФ.


Crystalline solids that belong to the class of materials known as Perovskites make up approximately 38% of the volume of the earth. The mineral was first discovered in the Ural Mountains by Gustav Rose in 1839 and is named after the Russian mineralogist Count Lev Perovski (Лев Алексеевич Перовский, 1792–1856). Perovskites in general demonstrate a huge number of different physical properties that have many practical uses, including piezo and pyroelectricity, dielectricity, optical properties and so on. These properties arise from extremely small distortions of the parent high-symmetry crystal structure. In this lecture I will discuss the types of distortions that occur and how we can study them in order to relate the structures to the properties of these materials.