We are pleased to announce the The International School on XFEL: Science and Instrumentation, which will be held from the 10th to the 12th of October 2018 in Gdansk, a city located on the Baltic coast in Poland.
The registration is open until the 30th of September. For more details please see: http://xoptics.ru/xfel/
The International School on XFEL: Science and Instrumentation is organized in close collaboration between Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), the Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk, Poland) and European XFEL (Schenefeld, Germany).
Three-days school in Gdańsk is organized to illuminate the XFEL physics and provided methods, elucidate their potential for research, and pave the way for young scientists and introduce them to the XFEL community. The school will cover the basics of XFEL physics and instrumentation specific topics, such as ptychography and X-ray optics for FEL's and give insight into possibilities for crystallography, ultrafast phenomena, and magnetism.
Invited speakers:
Prof. Robert Feidenhans'l (EU-XFEL)
Prof. Serguei Molodtsov (EU-XFEL, ITMO University, TU Freiberg)
Prof. Kazuto Yamauchi (Osaka University)
Dr. Wojciech Gawelda (EU-XFEL)
Dr. Makina Yabashi (SPring-8)
Dr. Oleksandr Yefanov (CFEL)
Dr. Aymeric Robert (LCLS)
Dr. Oleg Chubar (NSLS-II)
Dr. Dmitry Khakhulin (EU-XFEL)
Dr. Saša Bajt (DESY)
Dr. Clemens von Korff Schmising (MBI-Berlin)
Dr. Ryszard Sobierajski (IP PAS)